Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc.

“During her year of service as Miss America 2000, Heather worked tirelessly on behalf of our nation’s homeless veterans who have never had a better advocate. Heather has been called ‘every veteran’s daughter’ and I was priviledged to recognize her contributions by naming H.R. 936 on her behalf.” –Congressman Lane Evans
Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc.
1357 Bardstown Road Suite B Louisville, KY 40204
A Message From Heather French Henry
Miss America 2000 - Founder
During my tour as Miss America 2000 I traveled the country gaining a national perspective on veterans issues. From homelessness to healthcare issues my concern has grown into a life long passion for our nation’s heroes. As the daughter of a disabled Vietnam veteran I have experienced first hand the struggles facing veterans nationwide. Reconnecting the community to veterans remains an imperative part of our mission. Partnering with community organizations, school groups, and government agencies is the ideal way to increase awareness, education and funding for our nation’s veterans.Together, we could educate young and old alike, work to increase funding for veterans organizations, and make sure that every person in America knows about the plight of our forgotten heroes. But, most importantly, we are reaching out and touching the hands and heart of every veteran and encouraging people like you to do the same.

Governor Beshear honors Heather French Henry with a Highway

Medal of Honor Society Gala
USA CARES Patriot Award 2013 presented to Heather French Henry
Ken Moore speaking at a veterans healthcare seminar in 2005.

In February 2019, we lost a true American Patriot. Mr. Ken Moore was the president of the Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc. He and Heather started working together 20 years ago during her year of service as Miss America. Ken was a Vietnam Veteran from the United States Army. He was a leader in veterans issues and an expert veteran service representative. He operated the Rochester, NY office for the foundation representing hundreds of veterans across the country. Ken will be forever missed.
Operation Veterans Health - Nationwide
Patriotic Education & Awareness - Nationwide
FREE Prostate Cancer Screenings - KY State Fair
Veterans Legislative Policy - Nationwide
KY State Fair Military Education Exhibit
Veterans Claims & Disabilty

Ronnie French, Vice President, and Diana French working the Poppy Table at the KY State Fair.
Our Mission
The Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc. was established as a reaction to the overwhelming needs facing America’s veterans. The foundation is a service support foundation that offers networking and education in the areas of homelessness, healthcare, and housing.The foundation is a nonprofit corporation that is organized and operated exclusively for charitable purposes. Non-discriminating against veterans, the primary purpose is to raise and expend funds for worthy projects to improve the mental and physical health services and housing opportunities available to veterans of the Armed Forces, regardless of age, gender, race, religion or period of service. The foundation also serves to promote greater patriotism through events and awareness campaigns that highlight the history of military service of our nation's veterans. Our work focuses on:
Operation Veterans Health
For over 19 years The Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc has hosted or partnered with 16 national veterans awareness outreach events. Events included a free breakfast, lunch, or dinner for veterans and their families to earn more about veterans healthcare, focusing on non-VA Enrolled veterans. Events also included expert panelist on Agent Orange and Dioxin Exposure for Vietnam Veterans, as well as, Veteran Service Representatives to assist with veterans filing for healthcare and benefits. Many events had actual screenings for Hepatitis C, Type II Diabetes, and Cholesterol. Partners: Federal VAMC, Veterans Aimed Towards Awareness (VATA), Schering Plough, Eli Lilly, Various Veterans Service Organizations.
Albany, NY
Buffalo, NY (2)
Chicago, IL
Cincinnati, OH
Houston, TX
Louisville, KY (2)
Miami, FL
New York City, NY
Rochester, NY (3)
Syracuse, NY
Washington, DC
American Legion National Convention (2)
Funded through unrestricted educational grants and generous contributions made from numerous speaking engagements & appearance contracts of Heather French Henry, Miss America 2000.
In 19 years, we have hosted & partnered with:
16 National Seminars
Albany, NY
Buffalo, NY (2)
Chicago, IL
Cincinnati, OH
Houston, TX
Louisville, KY (2)
Miami, FL
New York City, NY
Rochester, NY (3)
Syracuse, NY
Washington, DC
American Legion National Convention
Veterans Legislative Agenda
The foundation has provided testimony to numerous federal committees on veterans and military affairs, as well as, state legislative hearings.
Washington, DC.:
House Veterans Affairs Committee - numerous times
Senate Committee on Department of Defense - Prostate Cancer
New Jersey

Heather French Henry supports the Military SAVE Act.

Bill signing for SB1 to help support over seas military from KY.
KY State Fair Military Education Exhibits: 2017 - 2023

We work closely with over 27 partners throughout the Commonwealth to promote and organize events commemorating Kentucky's involvement in WWI, WWII, Korea and the Vietnam War at the KY State Fair. Here's our history:
In August of 2017, the foundation assisted with the creation of a 10,000 sq. ft. exhibit highlighting Camp Zachary Taylor with a life-size WWI barracks, 40ft. war trench, interactive poppy wall and displaying original WWI Artifacts.
The 2018 KY State Fair once again brought another chance to assist with enhancing the exhibit. The trench was expanded with 500 additional sandbags, two additional trench walls and a bunker area. More information was provided concerning WWI War Gardens and the role women played as farmerettes.
This August 2019, the foundation was responsible for providing the educational exhibit highlighting the transition of WWI - WWII featuring collections from Camp Zachary Taylor, Kentucky Historical Society, and numerous private collectors. Thank you to the Military Vehicle Preservation Association for providing the WWII Ford Jeeps and the WWII Stuart Tank!
We were excited to begin the 2020 designs as COVID hit and cancelled the fair. However, we came back in 2021 with an amazing exhibit highlighting notable battles from WWII and educating thousands about the services and sacrifices made by Kentuckians.
For 2022, we were honored to transition, yet again, to another conflict that often goes unnoticed...the Korean Conflict. Often called the Forgotten War, the foundation was determined to provide a broad spectrum of awareness and education to the attendees at the fair.
In 2023, we focused on honoring our veterans from the Vietnam War as part of the 50th Commemoration of the Vietnam War. Our official "Welcome Home" to our Heroes!
Thank you to: HUMANA Military, Home Depot, Metro Louisville, MSD, AARP, IBEW Local 369, UAW 862, Elevator Constructors, Coast Guard, Hi-Note Printing, Scoppechio Agency, Marine Corps League, Kentucky History Center, Frazier Museum, Boy Scouts of America, & The Camp Zachary Taylor Historical Society, Nugent Sand for helping to make this dream a reality!
2022 KY State Fair Korean War Exhibit

2019 & 2021 KY State Fair WWI-WWII Exhibit
2023 KY State Fair Vietnam War Exhibit

FREE Prostate Cancer Screenings - KY State Fair

The foundation continues to support the free prostate cancer screenings provided by the KY Prostate Cancer Coalition. Each year since 2004, KPCC has screened over 15,000 men at the fair. This opportunity allows multitudes of men to have access to early detection screening through the partnership with the Kentucky Cancer Program, the Lexington Cancer Foundation and First Urology.
It is known that prostate cancer is a service connected disability due to exposure to Agent Orange and other dioxins for those who served in the Vietnam War. We are proud to support this annual screening effort in the hopes that more Vietnam Veterans can learn more about medical issues associated with their military service.
Funded through unrestricted educational grants and generous contributions made from numerous speaking engagements & appearance contracts of Heather French Henry, Miss America 2000.

We Proudly Support....

© 2014 by Heather French Foundation for Veterans, Inc.